Orbit Events and Promotions is a leading event management, production and promotion company in Dubai. We are in this industry for last 12 years and have conducted endless projects in events and productions. When talking about events in Dubai, Orbit events has organised the events like Dubai Supermon, UAE Scrabble Championship, Barbeque Challenge, Painting Competitions, Kitchen Queen etc for various clients like Babyshop, Noor, Al Rawabi, Kinder, Scotch brite and Many more.
In the case of productions our major clients are Barbie, Toys R Us, Toystore, etc,. We are in services for advertising collateral like production stands, Kiosks, Exhibition Stands, Mall Activation, etc.
Like events and productions, Orbit Events have a good team in digital promotions. We are into all digital marketing services like SEO, SMM, SERP customization etc. We have a team of designers and developers to handle the digital marketing campaigns.
We have expert team members for managing all social media profiles like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ and for Off page and On page Optimization, PPC, Keyword Analysis, Directory Submission, Google Analytics and Tracking, Search Engine Results Page customization, Google friendly designs and artworks and many more.
90% of the total population in GCC are using Internet and Smartphones for easy access. Now a days the customers or peoples tag the brand value of some product or services by analyzing the brands website and how active they are in social media. Everyone has smartphones and can use internet at their fingertips.
For example if they want to buy some phones they will not go directly to shop and buy it. The first thing they will do is to analyze the product and where it will get cheap. They Google it by giving the keywords like ' smart phone available in Dubai' , Cheapest smartphone in Dubai' etc.
So our Keyword analyst team will provide the best keywords apt to your business and will use in websites and in all promotions. Content has big role in SEO. Content with relevant keywords is necessary for a website to rank in google.
We have expert designers for managing social media profiles. And also if you want a better result in short period paid campaigns can also be done in Google like PPC, Facebook Paid Campaigns, etc.
If you have any queries for digital marketing or to get a free quote for your business contact our digital marketing specialist, Mr Jibin Jacob on 0567668150.
Digital Marketing Services in Dubai, Social media promotions in Dubai, Facebook Marketing Services, Twitter, LinkedIn, Promotional Activities, Orbit Events and Productions.